Boost Community Spirit with Member Awards at Your Coworking Space

Awards certificates with an orange envelope.

We’ve got spirit, yes we do. We’ve got spirit, how ‘bout you?! In today's fast-paced working world, coworking spaces aren't just places to plug in your laptop—they're dynamic hubs where a diverse group of professionals can network, collaborate, and inspire one another. And what better way to keep your community thriving and the culture buzzing than to give props where they’re due with a member awards event. Here’s how incorporating a recognition event at your coworking space can give your community a morale boost:

Fosters a Sense of Belonging

Everyone just wants to feel like they are a part of something larger. More often than not, that’s why they’ve joined a coworking space in the first place – community. To know you are seen and heard by your fellow coworkers can make all the difference in your workday. Why not cultivate a sense of belonging by recognizing your members for what they bring to your space? Whether it’s a certain set of skills, their bubbly persona, or just their innate fashion sense, no recognition is too big or small.

Encourages Collaboration & Innovation

Nothing says collaboration like a good ol’ fashioned peer-nominated award. Inspire a sense of innovation by allowing your members to create specialized awards or “honorable mentions” and let your community get creative with the award categories. By doing so, you not only highlight unique talents and achievements but also foster a culture where everyone feels motivated to contribute their best ideas and efforts.

Builds a Positive Work Culture

Let’s be honest - we could all use a little levity in our workday and what’s more fun than a little friendly competition. Implementing member awards at your coworking space adds a spark that ignites a positive work environment. Recognizing members not only makes them feel seen and appreciated but also fosters a place of mutual respect and collaboration. When you create a supportive atmosphere, it makes your coworking space a more dynamic and enjoyable place to work.

Increases Member Retention

Members want to have a dedicated workspace that allows them to be their most productive selves. But also a place where they can have a little fun to break up a mundane workday. Member awards can be a fantastic way to achieve this balance. When members feel supported and valued through recognition, it fosters a sense of community and belonging. This positive reinforcement can not only encourage them to stay but also transform them into enthusiastic ambassadors for your space.

Enhances Networking Opportunities

What better way to make connections than to engage in a community-wide recognition extravaganza? Allowing your members to vote for each other fosters interactions and highlights the achievements of peers, especially when some members only work in your space on certain days. This promotes engagement and provides the opportunity to get to know other members, bridging the gaps between different schedules and work habits.

Implementing Member Awards in Your Coworking Space:

To successfully incorporate member awards:

Define Award Categories:

Identify categories that align with your coworking space’s culture/vibe. Have some of the most delicious craft coffee and members that love to brew it?  - “Mostly likely to be the next [Coworking Space] barista.” A member who is always stylishly dressed? – “Most likely to have the best OOTD”. Get creative with your awards and personalize them based on your members.

Promote Engagement:

Encourage your members to nominate their fellow coworking buds or themselves for awards. Allow members to create their own awards with an honorable mentions category. Not only will this help to drive engagement but it also ensures everyone has a say in the nomination process. Post the award categories in a high-traffic area for everyone to see and vote.

Host Recognition Event:

Announce and congratulate your members with an awards ceremony –member breakfast, happy hour, brunch, or other special recognition event. And be sure to share the results - post award winners in-space, share on social media, include in digital newsletters, etc.

Incorporating member awards into your coworking space is a winning strategy that fosters collaboration, sparks innovation, enhances networking, and boosts retention. Imagine a workspace where recognition is the norm, connections are made effortlessly, and creativity knows no bounds. It's more than just a place to work; it's a vibrant community where every member feels like a superstar. So, let's roll out the red carpet, hand out those accolades, and watch your coworking space transform into the ultimate hub of productivity and positivity. After all, who wouldn't want to be part of such a dynamic and supportive environment?

And if you’re in need of a resource to create your own coworking member awards, here’s a free customizable awards template.